Centre Gradings

Centre Gradings

The list for 2024 has been released. People mentioned here are either Center Experts or Intermediates. If their name isn’t shown, they are considered Novices.

OC = Out of Centre Rider – I Austermuhle, S Beecroft-Penny, J Challoner, M Crosswaite, J Dabill, A Drachenberg,  D Gamble, B Hemingway, D Hemingway,  H Hemingway, G Kendrew, A Lampkin, D Lampkin, James Lampkin, Elliot Laws, Tom Middleton, Tom Minta (OC), Chris Pearson, Jack Price, Jon Richardson, Richard Sadler,  Charlie Smith James Stones, John R Sunter, Dan Thorpe, Richard Timperley, William Tolson, Rrob Waite, Liam Walker, Luke Walker (OC), Nathan Wrigglesworth, Sam Yeadon.

OC = Out of Centre Rider –Gavin Black, Aldis Blacka, Bevan Blacka, Sam Boocock, Ryan Brown, Dec Bullock (OC), B Bullock (OC), Kieran Child, Elliot Cock, Danny Cockshott, Louis Haley, Tom Hick, Thomas Housecroft, Joe Jennings, Sam Johnson, Gavin Lowther, R Richard Mellon, Ben Robinson, Tom Rushton, Daniel Smith, OJ Sharp, Jack Stones,